Friday, June 29, 2012

How to: Hollywood Style Roadtrip

     Road trips have always been made to seem so alluring in movies; convertible top down, wind blowing, great music, arms in the air screaming "yeaaaah!" and somehow no matter how far the car gets from the camera, you can still hear them talking.
      What hollywood doesn't show: hours on end of tedious driving, overplayed music, and merging sights. 
     There are 5 essential components of a Hollywood style road trip, 5 totally revamped ideas to make 500 miles seem like 50.

Hollywood Style:
 1) STOP- Every highway is loaded with billboards advertising everything from theme parks to antique malls, why not take an hour to see what the roadside has to offer? It'll give you a chance to stretch your legs, take in some new sights and sounds, and make the trip seem shorter and more worthwhile.

2) Snacks- Grab a few of your favorite munchies. If you're health conscious (or trying to be) try some low- maintenance fruits such as: apples, oranges, and bananas. Also, many gas stations and 7/11s offer veggie/dip or fruit/cheese snack trays.

3) Aroma Therapy- a study by Woolfson and Hewitt proved that smells affect you're mood. Before heading out, stop by a car wash, gas station, or store and choose a scent that's right for you. Quick tip: match the theme of the scent to the trip ex: beach trip- Hawaiin or Beach Breeze

4) Soundtrack- its easy to create a playlist of your favorite songs, but even that gets boring. Instead, find the soundtrack of a classic road trip movie. Ex: The soundtracks of Crossroads

5)  Document- grab a camera or cell phone and take a many pictures as possible! Whether it's of inside the car, outside the car, and selfies! When you get back, make a collage, scrapbook, or slideshow to relive all the great moments.

                                                                  And Voila!

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