What hollywood doesn't show: hours on end of tedious driving, overplayed music, and merging sights.
There are 5 essential components of a Hollywood style road trip, 5 totally revamped ideas to make 500 miles seem like 50.
Hollywood Style:
1) STOP- Every highway is loaded with billboards advertising everything from theme parks to antique malls, why not take an hour to see what the roadside has to offer? It'll give you a chance to stretch your legs, take in some new sights and sounds, and make the trip seem shorter and more worthwhile.
2) Snacks- Grab a few of your favorite munchies. If you're health conscious (or trying to be) try some low- maintenance fruits such as: apples, oranges, and bananas. Also, many gas stations and 7/11s offer veggie/dip or fruit/cheese snack trays.
3) Aroma Therapy- a study by Woolfson and Hewitt proved that smells affect you're mood. Before heading out, stop by a car wash, gas station, or store and choose a scent that's right for you. Quick tip: match the theme of the scent to the trip ex: beach trip- Hawaiin or Beach Breeze
4) Soundtrack- its easy to create a playlist of your favorite songs, but even that gets boring. Instead, find the soundtrack of a classic road trip movie. Ex: The soundtracks of Crossroads
5) Document- grab a camera or cell phone and take a many pictures as possible! Whether it's of inside the car, outside the car, and selfies! When you get back, make a collage, scrapbook, or slideshow to relive all the great moments.
And Voila!